What is BONK?
What do you get when the craziness of the Three Stooges mixes with the excitement of a television game show? You get BONK! This game show is based on the idea that while getting hit over the head isn’t funny, watching others get hit over the head is!
The BONK Game Show is a fresh, unique, and creative trivia game show that entertains all types of audiences. It is a perfect fit for a variety of venues including corporate events, comedy clubs, casinos, fairs, and trade shows. BONK can also customize a show to fit your needs by including information about your event, product, service, or organization.
BONK begins when contestants put on hard hats and grab their mallets. Contestants BONK themselves or their opponents on the head with soft foam mallets to buzz in and answer questions. That’s right, there are no buttons or buzzers to push!
With a variety of trick questions, comedy, music, visual gags, and booby prizes, we keep the entire audience involved from start to finish.
The BONK Game Show is filled with high-energy, full-audience interaction that keeps everyone guessing and laughing.

Welcome to BONK!
What do you get when you put together the Three Stooges and a live game show? Bonk! A show of wacky questions, Bonking mayhem, and just pure fun. A fully interactive experience that is fun for everyone, where you and your friends are the stars.
The Show
A team of writers created this new, comedy game show, without the buzzers. You heard right; a game show without buzzers. Instead, contestants wear hardhats and wield their mighty Bonk mallets. Don’t expect any normal questions either, trick questions, stunts, sing-alongs, and even audience dances keep everyone engaged and laughing all the way up to the shining moment when a winner is crowned.
The Game
The game begins the moment the music starts. 3 contestants are selected from the audience to come up and duke it out in mallet to mallet combat. With helmets set with sensors that buzz when the helmet is hit, the only way to “buzz in” is to BONK themselves with their mallet on the head. But watch your helmet, because you could be back bonked by another competitor, so stay on your toes and you just might be crowned BONK champion!
The Questions
BONK is a trivia game show where you never know what to expect. The questions can be as easy as “What day of the week is Monday Night Football on?” or as wacky as “Who is your favorite game show host?” There are even trick questions such as “When you lose a tooth, who gives you money?” “The tooth Fairy? Of course not, it’s your parents.” With questions like this, you never know what to expect and the fun just keeps coming.
The Rounds
Bonk is a unique game show that operates like no other. A standard (need better word) show has 3 games of 2 rounds where contestants score points for correct answers and lose points for incorrect answers. While most of the questions are easy and fun, the host is always one step ahead and will throw in some tricks to try and throw you off your game. So keep your helmet on, mallet ready, and brain thinking, and you might just come out on top.
The rounds go to 10 points and ends with the lowest scorer eliminated. With 2 contestants still standing we move on to the Back BONK round. Now do you not only worry about being fast, but also if your opponent is going to BONK you! That’s right, in this round you can BONK your opponent if you think he doesn’t know the answer, and if he doesn’t, you get the point! The winner of this round is then given the opportunity to compete in the BONK challenge to win even more prizes and a guaranteed spot in the final round.
In BONK, the fun never stops, during transition the time is filled with corny consolation prizes, (fill in later). Following this, 3 more contestants are brought up to repeat the process with all new questions and challenges to get 2 more finalists.
The Winners
When the 3 rounds are over, the 3 finalists compete for the disco crown. In a free for all with “Back BONKing” and tougher questions, it is the round we’ve all been waiting for. It’s a race to 10 to see who is crowned, the champion of BONK!